Frequently Asked Questions

How far in advance should I book my wedding date?

Due to the exclusivity we offer, we recommend contacting us as soon as possible, as some dates are highly requested

What are the requirements for a Catholic ceremony in the chapel on the island?

At Isla Pasión, Catholic ceremonies are entirely valid. All you need to do is fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Both partners must be baptized and confirmed.
  2. Present proof of having attended prenuptial classes.
  3. Request a transfer permit from your parish.
  4. If you wish to have a priest of your choice officiate the Mass, you must request the corresponding permission from your local parish.
What are the requirements for a civil ceremony on the island?

  1. Valid official identification for both (passport for foreigners)
  2. Birth certificate for both
  3. CURP (Unique Population Registry Code) for both parties
  4. Prenuptial Medical Certificate. Blood tests should be taken within 15 days before the wedding (normally, couples are asked to be in Cozumel 3 business days before the wedding for these tests).
  5. Four witnesses of legal age with valid identification.
  6. In case of being divorced, we require the original divorce decree.

*For foreigners, please contact us for more information on this matter.

All the aforementioned documents are needed in original and 2 copies.

Does the island have a judge for civil ceremonies?
The service is provided by a judge from the municipality of Cozumel.
Is there a maximum number of guests per wedding?
No, at Isla Pasión, we have 2 km of beach exclusively for you, so we haven’t reached our limit. Each year, we host an average of 3 weddings with 700 people or more.
How long can the couple stay on the island?
At Isla Pasión, we do not have the services and facilities of a hotel, so we recommend using our facilities for one night.
How long can guests stay on the island?
At Isla Pasión, we do not have the services and facilities of a hotel, so we recommend using our facilities for one night. If you wish to stay longer, please contact us for more information.
Can I go to the island only for my honeymoon?
At Isla Pasión, we do not have the services and facilities of a hotel. If you would like to spend your honeymoon with us, please contact us for more information.
Can I rent the island for a private event other than a wedding?
Certainly! At Isla Pasión, we have everything you need to make your event a moment that everyone will remember forever.
Can I stay on the island just as a tourist?
At Isla Pasión, we do not have the services and facilities of a hotel, so we ask you to contact us for more information on this matter.
Does Isla Pasión perform same-sex weddings?
Certainly! Same-sex marriage is entirely legal in Cozumel, so at Isla Pasión, we are happy to welcome all couples from the LGBTQI+ community. Our team of wedding planners is certified by the Gay Wedding Institute to create the most amazing weddings you can imagine.

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